There are multiple ways to upload your website’s files (PHP, HTML, CSS, Images, JS, and other files).
Using the File Manager #
Click on the “File Manager” icon under the “FILES” section.

Structure #
You should see something similar to this:

To create a file, click the “+ File” icon in the top left corner. You can also create a folder and upload a file, such as an image or video.
The most important folder is public_html. This is where the files that make your website are located. If you upload a file name “image.jpg” inside the public_html folder, it will be accessible at
File-Transfer-Protocol, or FTP is another popular way to upload your files. To use this, you’ll need an FTP client. We recommend Filezilla for Windows users.
First you’ll need to create an FTP account or login with your cPanel credentials.
FTP Accounts #
Click the “FTP Accounts” icon under the “FILES” section to manage your FTP Accounts.
You can add FTP Accounts with specific paths so that when logged in to that account, users can only access files in and under that folder. Creating a new, restricted FTP account is recommended for security and safety reasons when working on new projects or websites.
You can view the current FTP account users and delete or add new ones.
FTP Client #
Once you have your FTP login info, open up your FTP client, like Filezilla, and create a new connection.
For the hostname, put the hostname of your shared server (ie,
For the port, use 21
For username, put the username your created (or your cPanel/system account username)
For the password, enter the password for the username you created (or your cPanel/system account password)
Click connect, and you should see your account’s files popup. To upload your site, put the files you want publicly accessible in the public_html folder.